Mithos v0.1.2.9

Hey all! Another quick update today, mostly fixes and tweaks to the new reloading system. Let's get to the changelog!

-Weapons and charging artifact now have VFX! Makes reloading feel a teensy bit more juicy

-World model now has first draft counterparts to first person reloading animations

-Vaulting up a sheer wall plays a different animation on player's legs/world model

-Enemies can now jump on and off of platforms! This is quite buggy at the moment, so expect patches for floating or superjumping bad guys on the way soon.

-Other miscellaneous HUD and backend tweaks and fixes.

That's all for now, have a great start to your week! Cheers


Mithos v0.1.2.9 360 MB
Apr 25, 2021

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